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Graduate Certificate: Contemporary Analytical Psychology and Neo-Jungian Studies

September 9th, 2023 – July 13th, 2024

11 Month Course | Offered Live via Zoom

Program Description

What you will receive

  • 14 Live Interactive Learning Sessions with world recognized Jungian Analysts & Scholars
  • 14 Recorded Learning Sessions with world recognized Jungian Analysts & Scholars
  • A Learning Resource Guide with links to suggested books, articles, films
  • A Private, on-line Discussion Forum
  • PGI Graduate Certificate upon successful completion of the course
  • 14 CECs* See qualifying criteria for CEs below

Course Description

We live in an era when the abundance of psychologically informed material has never before been so prevalent and accessible, yet this reality exists side by side with the statistically documented profile of a mental health crisis that reaches across national borders and socio-economic divides. In his book, A New Therapy for Politics, (2015), author Andrew Samuels presciently writes: “To be honest, the possible contribution of psychotherapy to society beyond the alleviation of individual distress has not been much welcomed. The world did not show up for its first session.” The questions demand to be asked: Why didn’t the world show up for its first session? Why are we in the throes of a mental health crisis when psychological modalities and interventions have never been more prevalent and accessible?

While many of the concepts developed by Jung, such as introversion, extroversion, complex, personal and collective unconscious, or synchronicity, have entered the psychological vocabulary as well as common parlance, they are often not understood from a psychoanalytic perspective and the psychoanalytic perspective is all too often marginalized as not being relevant to the real world challenges of climate crisis, mental health crisis and social justice concerns.

Pacifica Online is pleased to partner with Jungeaneum/Dr. Stefano Carpani,  to offer this one-of-a-kind graduate certificate course that connects you with world recognized authorities in Analytical Psychology and Neo-Jungian Studies whose individual and collective scholarship continues to shape the contours and influence the trajectory of the theory and practice of Jungian Psychoanalytic work.  Each interactive learning session will focus not only on foundational elements of Analytical Psychology, but on understanding the ways in which Jungian psychology speaks to the current epoch of polycrisis and the evolving understanding of cultural complexes and a pluralistic psyche.

This Course is Ideal for

This course is open to anyone interested in the work of C.G. Jung, the post-Jungians and Analytical Psychology as well as depth psychology who want to have a first contact with this discipline. No previous knowledge or degrees will be required to register. Lay person, Psychologists, Medical Doctors, psychotherapists, other health professionals and nurses, students, teachers and researchers of psychology, sociology and social sciences and the humanities and other professionals of arts are welcome.

By the End of This Course You Will Be Able To

  • Understand the foundational theoretical and clinical aspects of Analytical Psychology
  • Understand how Analytical Psychology can contribute to greater self-knowledge and personal development
  • Understand interpersonal dynamics and conflicts in the light of Analytical Psychology
  • Utilize techniques of Analytical Psychology that enable to reveal and express intrapsychic dynamics
  • Understand how Analytical Psychology can help to conceptualize and explain cultural and collective phenomena.
  • For mental health professionals: conceptualize cases in the light of Analytical Psychology and define intervention strategies

Course Schedule

All Live Sessions will run from 8:00 – 9:30 AM PT/11:00 – 12:30 PM ET/4:00 – 5:30 PM UTC.

Please Note that Murray Stein’s session will run from 7:00 – 8:30 AM PT/10:00 – 11:30 AM ET/3:00 – 4:30 PM UTC

September 9th, 2023
George Hogenson

October 7th, 2023
Alan Vaughan

November 11th, 2023 (start at 7 AM PT / 3 PM UTC)
Murray Stein

December 9th, 2023
Verena Kast

January 13th, 2024
John Beebe

January 27th, 2024
Renate Daniel

February 10th, 2024
Polly Young-Eisendrath

February 24th, 2024
Ursula Brasch

March 9th, 2024
Joseph Cambray

April 13th, 2024
Ann Casement

May 11th, 2024
Paul Bishop

June 1st, 2024
Sam Kimbels

June 29th, 2024
Thomas Singer

July 13th 2024
Andrew Samuels

Course Overview

September 9, 2023 – The Jung/Freud Debate and the Foundations of Analytical Psychology – George Hogenson

The relationship between C. G. Jung and Sigmund Freud remains one of the most dramatic personal and intellectual encounters of the modern era.  Despite its broadly familiar outlines, however, it is poorly understood in relation to its influence on the development of both analytical psychology and psychoanalysis.  The point of view that this lecture will take is that the debates between Jung and Freud, which began with their first exchange of letters and continued to evolve and develop throughout their brief but intense collaboration as well as after its collapse, formed the scaffolding for further developments in analytical psychology and psychoanalysis.  Going beyond much conventional commentary on the break between the two, the lecture will discuss the importance of Jung’s modification of Freud’s understanding of libido, often taken to be the central issue in their break, and move on to the dispute over the nature and treatment of psychosis, the nature of the symbol, the centrality of the word (Freud) versus the image (Jung) and ultimately the nature of the unconscious psyche and the relationship between depth psychology and the emerging sciences of the 20th Century.  Finally, consideration will be given to the significance of Jung’s Red Book for understanding Jung’s break with Freud and its role in defining depth psychology in the 21st Century.

Suggested reading:

  • Hogenson, G. (1994). Jung’s struggle with Freud (Revised Edition ed.). Chiron Publications.
  • Vandermeersch, P. (1991). Unresolved Questions in the Freud/Jung Debate: On Psychosis, Sexual Identity, and Religion (A.-M. Marivoet, Trans. (4)). Leuven University Press Leuven.
  • Vandermeersch may be freely downloaded from his website:  https://www.patrickvandermeersch.org/freud-and-jung/


  • Doran, C. (2017). Rage and Anxiety in the Split between Freud and Jung. Humanities, 6(3), 53.
  • Gunter, P. A. Y. Bergson and Jung. Journal of the History of Ideas, 43, No. 4(Oct. – Dec., 1982), 635-652.
  • Haule, J. R. (1984). From Somnambulism to the Archetypes: The French Roots of Jung’s Split with Freud. Psychoanal Rev, 71(4), 635-659.
  • Hogenson, G. (2019). The Schreber Case and the origins of the Red Book. In M. Stein & T. Arzt (Eds.), Jung’s Red Book in Our Time: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions (pp. 315-328). Chiron.
  • Monahan, P. A. (2009). C.G. Jung: Freud’s heir or Janet’s? The influence upon Jung of Janet’s dissociationism. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 1(1), 33-49.
  • Shamdasani, S. (2003). Jung and the Making of Modern Psychology: The Dream of a Science. Cambridge University Press.
  • Taylor, E. (1998). Jung before Freud, not Freud before Jung: The reception of Jung’s work in American psychoanalytic circles between 1904 and 1909. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 43(1), 97-114


October 7th, 2023 – Introduction to Analytical Psychology – Alan Vaughan

This course offers an overview of the prolific life and times of C.G. Jung (1875-196) in cultural context, through the agency of autobiography and critical biography. Participants are introduced to the Collected Works of C. G. Jung by subject matter. The course provides an introduction, to the core concepts and constructs in Analytical psychology that include theories of personality, psychoanalysis, and depth psychotherapy. Topics include: models of consciousness, structure and dynamics of psyche, dream theory, the nature of mythology, the stages of psychoanalysis and the nature of transference and countertransference. In addition, the scholarship of post-Jungian analysts and scholars that both extend and critique Analytical psychology are referenced and discussed. Some of these areas include: neuroscience, attachment theory, synchronicity, active imagination, spirituality and cultural complex theories.

The course is offered to those interested in the life and work of C.G. Jung. It provides a strong theoretical foundation that supports and facilitates cohesive assimilation of his theories and the Trans-disciplinary and Transcultural nature of his work. The course serves as a bridge to the in-depth study of the Collected Works of C.G. Jung, the recently published Red Book and the Black Books. The Red Book provides foreground and background for Jung’s original ideas born from the period of his creative engagement and self- analysis of his unconscious. The Black Books are published notes that foreground the Red Book. The Red Book and The Black Books are not covered in this seminar. This course can serve as a portal to research, theory application and professional practice.

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Knowledge of the narrative in the autobiography and/or biography of C.G. Jung, his life and work.
  2. Knowledge of core concepts and constructs in Analytical psychology: theories of personality, psychoanalysis, and depth psychotherapy.
  3. Knowledge of Jung’s theory on dreams

Suggested reading:

  • Cambray, J., & Carter, L. (Eds.). (2004). Analytical psychology. New York, NY: Brunner-Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Edinger, E. (1994). Eternal drama, inner meaning of Greek mythology. Boston, MA: Shambhala.
  • Jacobi, J. (1973). The psychology of C.G. Jung. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  • Jung, C. G. (1963). Memories dreams and reflections. New York, NY: Pantheon Books.
  • Jung, C. G. (1974). Dreams. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Additional Readings:

  • Vaughan, A. (2013). Jung, analytical psychology and transpersonal psychology. Harris Friedman and Glenn Hartelius (Eds), Handbook of transpersonal psychology, pp.141-155. West Susssex, UK:Wiley Blackwell.
  • Vaughan, A. (2016). Jungian dreamwork. Jacquie Lewis and Stanley Krippner (Eds.), Working with dreams and PTSD nightmares,14 approaches for psychotherapists and counselors pp.1-23. Santa Barbra, California and Denver, Colorado: Praeger.
  • Vaughan, A. (2018) A Conversation between Like-Minded Colleagues and Friends: Alan Vaughan and Andrew Samuels, Jung Journal, 12:2, 118-137, DOI:10.1080/19342039.2018.1442108To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/19342039.2018.1442108
  • Vaughan, A. (2019). ‘African American Jungian Analysts on Culture, Clinical Training/Practice and Racism’. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 2019, 64, 3, 320–348


November 11th, 2023 – What Analytical Psychology May Contribute to the World Today and Tomorrow – Murray Stein

*Please note this session will run from 7:00 – 8:30 AM PT/10:00 – 11:30 AM ET

In this lecture, I will discuss what C.G. Jung and analytical psychology have meant to me personally. In this, I will speak of “my Jung” and how 50 years of engagement with his life and work have affected my destiny. I will then go on to speak of Jung’s legacy, of what his theory and the practice of analytical psychology offer our and future generations. In all of this, I will make references to Jung’s life, his writings and other works as a guide for the psychological and spiritual development of individuals and collectives. In summary, I will speak of what analytical psychology stands for the world today and the vision and methods for development that it offers to individuals and communities.

Suggested reading:

  • C.G. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections

December 9, 2023 – Why Jung, The Search for Meaning in the 21st Century – Verena Kast

CG Jung lived from 1875 – 1961.  And yet his psychology is supposed to give people in the 21st century ideas for the search for meaning. Does this fit together?

To begin with: C.G. Jung’s psychology is based on the high esteem of the creative in the human being – and this high esteem and the creative do not become obsolete. For Jung, there is a creative principle that runs through everything that exists in the world. Human beings must be connected to this creative principle, which of course also works them, physically and mentally. Then he or she lives in a creative attitude and is connected to his or her resources, then also the inherent self-healing powers can become effective.

In the individuation process, in the therapeutic process according to C.G.Jung, gaining a creative attitude is considered to be the most therapeutically effective thing, besides and in connection with the therapeutic relationship. Here the creative process on the personality level is called for, the development of a creative attitude in each person.

This event gives an overview of the individuation process as Jung described it – with emphasis on the complex theory. A focus will be placed on clinical work on and with the complex episodes that inhibit creative development, but in which there is also bound life energy and new life themes. Helpful are the various techniques of imagination, but also of creative work in general and the working with unconscious material, as dreams,  in the analytical process to dissolve these blockages.

A summary of the individuation process is constituted on the basis of the hero’s journey (not understood in a gender-specific way).

Suggested reading:

  • Jung CG (CW 7) Individuation (§266 – §406)
  • Jung CG (CW 8) The Stages of Life
  • Jung CG (CW8) A review of the Complex Theory
  • Jung CG (CW16) Some aspects of modern Psychotherapy.
  • Kast V (2022) Father-Daughter, Mother-Son. Freeing ourselves from complexes that bind us. (Jungianeum, Chiron Publications)


January 13, 2024 – Jung & Typology: A Self-Organizing Complexity, Driven by Archetypes to Create Consciousness – John Beebe

G. Jung’s theory of psychological types is a model of the distribution and organization of consciousness in the individuating person. John Beebe has pioneered the understanding of typology as Jung’s “little-s” self-psychology. He has been able to demonstrate both its deeper roots in archetypes that hold extraordinary adaptive and defensive potential and its broadening capacity to organize cultural attitudes that can inform a range of social adaptations. In this lecture, Dr. Beebe will freshly examine each of the eight basic “types” of conscious orientation Jung named, tracing the story arc of each as it develops from rigid complex to a more capacious complexity. He will add his unique understanding of how the types of consciousness are expressed according to the archetypal roles they are associated with in the individual’s personality. Beebe will use film examples to show the interactions between introverted and extraverted types of consciousness within the self. He will also discuss the implication of these relations between internal subjects for object relations with other people. This presentation will offer a chance to experience how typological complexes express themselves best in interactions that, when learned from, create a person capable of adapting in individual ways to both inner and outer realities.

Suggested reading:

  • Beebe, John (2017). Energies and Patterns in Psychological Type: The Reservoir of Consciousness.
  • Beebe, John (ed.) (2021). Journal of Analytical Psychology: Special Issue: Psychological Types. 66, No. 5. Wiley.
  • Haas, Leona & Hunziker, Mark. (2006). Building Blocks of Personality Type: A Guide to Using the Eight-Process Model of Personality Type: Jung’s Mental Processes.
  • Hunziker, Mark (2016). Depth Typology: C. G. Jung, Isabel Myers, John Beebe and the Guide Map to Becoming Who We Are. Write Way Publishing.
  • Jung, C. G. Psychological Types (1976). (Collected Works, Vol. 6), Foreword to Argentine Edition (pp. xiv-xv, 1934); General Description of the Types (pp. 330-407, 1921), and “Psychological Typology” (pp. 542-555, 1936). Princeton University Press.
  • von Franz, Marie-Louise (1971). “The Inferior Function” in von Franz & Hillman, Lectures on Jung’s Typology.


January 27,  2024 – The Relevance of Fairytales to the Contemporary Socio-Cultural Challenges of the 21st Century – Renate Daniel

Fairy tales describe archetypal patterns and thus collective unconscious processes that operate behind zeitgeist phenomena. They deepen our understanding of contemporary social phenomena.

Basically, every fairy tale contains an essential psychological message about fundamental human conflicts that have existed in all epochs and cultures, and which are relevant to us today and will remain so in the future. Because of this timelessness and internationality, fairy tales are a valuable resource when we are perplexed, overwhelmed, or at something of a loss. In such situations, fairy tales show us what it needs to overcome a difficult situation, but also what it takes to fail and why.

Actually, a fairy tale itself is its own best explanation. But the most astonishing and important messages are often no longer understood, because its symbols and language seem outdated, the fairy tale contents appear mostly childish or unrealistic, in other words, not believable. The human mind is quite skeptical about the value of fairy tales.

Therefore, a deep psychological interpretation is needed: it “translates” the fairy tale for today and tries to work out archetypal key statements – the “red thread”. A successful interpretation causes a feeling of coherence and the experience of resonance and enables to understand phenomena in a more holistic way. In this seminar we use fairy tales and myths to reflect on current issues of power structures, needs for control and security, longing for relationships along with fear of relating.

Suggested reading:

  • Birkhäuser-Oeri, S. (1988). The Mother: Archetypal Image in Fairy Tales. Toronto: Inner City.
  • Dieckmann, H. (1986). Twice-Told Tales: The Psychological Use of Fairy Tales. Wilmette: Chiron.
  • Franz, M.L. v. (1996), The Interpretation of Fairy Tales. (Revised ed.) Boston and London: Shambhala
  • Franz, M.-L.v. (1972). Problems of the Feminine in Fairy Tales. New York: Spring.
  • Franz, M.-L.v. (1974). Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales. Zürich: Spring,
  • Franz, M.-L.v. (1997) Archetypal Patterns in Fairy tales,
  • Kast, V. (1995): Folktales as Therapy. Fromm, New York.


February 10, 2024 – Jung & Spirituality, Beyond Spacetime: 21st Century Science of Consciousness, Ancient Buddhism, and C.G. Jung – Polly Young-Eisendrath

Carl Jung’s theories of the archetypes and collective unconscious, synchronicity, and the psychoid nature of the universe brought 19th century Freudian theory of mind “out of the box of the repressed unconscious” and into an exploration of consciousness as a streaming dynamic field.

Throughout his career, Jung searched for new paradigms (e.g. the biological theory of innate releasing mechanisms, alchemy, physics, and Zen Buddhism) that could help him ground his insights about how the field of consciousness and unconsciousness works for humans. In the 21st century, we must take the next steps – beyond spacetime.

In this course, I will review Jung’s findings on archetype, complex, collective unconscious, and synchronicity/psychoid nature of universe in relation to 21st century conversations about the New Science of Consciousness, especially in relation to the following: Donald Hoffman (Conscious Realism), the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia (studies of Near-Death Experience and Reincarnation), early Indian Buddhism (abhidharma and Yogacara, recently translated into English), and the theory of karma, as recently detailed for Western students of Buddhism by HH Dalai Lama.

I will emphasize the nature of human perception in everyday life and meditation. I will also draw on my lifelong clinical work, practice of meditation, study of Buddhism, and my understanding of where Jung’s archetype of Self fits into what we are learning in the 21st century through research on children who remember their past lives, as well as thousands of accounts of Near-Death Experiences, and other kinds of awakening.

Suggested reading:

  • Dalai Lama and Thubten Chodron, The Foundation of Buddhist Practice, Wisdom Publications: 2018
  • Donald Hoffman, The Case Against Reality: How Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes, Penguin Books, 2019
  • Beth Jacobs, The Original Buddhist Psychology: What the Abhidharma Tells Us about How We Think, Feel, and Experience Life. North Atlantic Books, 2017
  • PYE: “From Akron to Bodhgaya: Suffering and Individuation” in L. Stein (Ed) Eastern Practices and Individuation. Chiron Publications, 2022.
  • PYE “Jung and Buddhism: Refining the Dialogue” in P. Young-Eisendrath & T. Dawson (Eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Jung, (2nd Edition), Cambridge University Press, 2008.
  • PYE “Projective Identification in a Famous Zen Case: Implications for Relationships with Spiritual Masters” in S. Carpani (Ed), Anthology of Contemporary Clinical Classics in Analytical Psychology, Routledge, 2022.
  • From You Tube, I recommend the following:
  • Listen to my podcast: Enemies: From War to Wisdom which integrates Buddhadharma with psychology, psychotherapy, and Jung
  • Listen to my TED talk: The Key to Happiness is Letting Go of Self-Importance
  • Listen to my talk at Pacifica’s conference on Trauma and Transcendence: Behold the Gates of Mercy: Portals of Transcendence, 2018


February 24, 2024 – The I Ching: The Book of Changes and Contemporary Analytical Psychology – Ursula Brasch

Is there an archetype of order? And what if, social, mental and psychological processes, which seem so chaotic and unmanageable to us, were based on an order that can be found? The I Ching, as an ancient Chinese wisdom book, can be used to deal with important life questions. It shows how all things in the universe are connected in various patterns of relationship and resonance. When used as a tool in therapy, the perspective of the I Ching, or “Book of Changes,” can help to unearth hidden aspects of a complex psychological situation. The more facets of the unconscious one can uncover, the more instruction one has in approaching and establishing a relationship with “the other” operating in the unknowable areas of the psyche. But what informs the alien, ancient perspective of the I Ching, and what kind of meaning is it trying to convey? In the lecture, we will explore analytical psychology’s understanding of the concepts of kairos, synchronicity, and complementary opposites, along with Jung’s own contact with ancient Chinese philosophy. Through these lenses, we will consider the I Ching’s relevance today.

Suggested reading:

  • Wilhelm/Baynes (1997).The I Ching. Bollingen: Princeton Uniiversity Press
  • Balkin, Jack.( 2009).The laws of Change. Branford: Sybil Creek Press
  • Smith, Richard J.(2008).Fathoming the Cosmos and ordering the World. University of Virginia Press
  • Cleary,Thomas.(1986) The Taoist I Ching. Boulder: Shambalah Publications


March 9, 2024 – Jung & Synchronicity, The Re-Enchantment of the World – Joseph Cambray

In a time of great personal and collective crisis, Jung undertook his inward journey into the unconscious.  The experiences he had during this time formed the living basis for his theories and methods we continue to celebrate, employ and modify to the present day.  In this masterclass we will look at primary data from his “confrontation with the unconscious” as shown in his Red Book.  Key signature concepts such as Individuation and Synchronicity will be shown to have emerged in this context.  We will follow the evolution of these ideas through this period and beyond into his therapeutic work of a personal and collective nature as well as exploring the methods he developed during this time. This will include his final iteration of his archetypal hypothesis, to include the psychoid aspects of the soul.   Then we will look at some valuable contemporary modifications based on the best information currently available from complexity studies.  The loss of soul in our rationalistic, disenchanted modern societies will be seen to be remediated in part by Jung lifelong efforts, what in contemporary understanding will be referred to as a “re-enchantment of the world.”  Practical examples will be offered from the presenter’s work, as well as some exercises to enhance experiential learning.

Based on the prerecorded lecture and the readings, in the live, interactive webinar we will begin with some guided imagery explorations connected with the themes which have been presented. This will allow us to deepen the engagement in the live webinar, so that more thorough experiential knowledge of the relations between theory and practice can be realized.

Suggested Reading:

  • Cambray, Joe. “21st Century Unconscious: Altered states, oracles, and intelligences.” In, Depth Psychology and Climate Change: The Green Book, Dale Mathers, ed. New York & London: Routledge (2020).
  • Main, Roderick. Breaking the Spell of Disenchantment: Mystery, Meaning, and Metaphysics in the Work of C. G. Jung. Asheville, NC: Chiron Publications, (2022).
  • Cambray, Joe.  “Reconsidering Individuation in the 21st Century: When Archetypal Patterns Shift.” In Our World of Uncertainty: Possibilities and Challenges Through a Jungian Perspective, ed. L. Sawin and J. Cambray, Asheville, NC: Chiron Publications, (2023-in press).
  • Cambray, Joseph.  Synchronicity:  Nature & Psyche in an Interconnected Universe (Fay Lecture Series).  College Station, TX:  Texas A & M University Press, (2009).
  • Simard, Suzanne.  Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest.  New York: Vintage Books (2021).


April 13, 2024 – Alchemy and the Hard Problem of Consciousness – Ann Casement

The focus of this course will be on exploring Jung’s all-important work on psychological alchemy by seeking to make comparisons between that and what the philosopher and neuroscientist, David Chalmers, calls the hard problem of consciousness. With regard to the latter, the course will be referencing the latest book by the psychoanalyst and neuroscientist, Mark Solms, titled The Hidden Spring, which is an outright best seller. in this work, Solms claims to have solved the hard problem and the course will be looking at his work along with that of the late neuroscientist, Jaak Panksepp, on the contents of the brain stem as the drivers of consciousness. Along the way, I shall be attempting to combine their work with Jung’s discovery that it is in the depths of the collective unconscious, what Jung calls the prima materia, that awareness or self-knowledge has its origin.

Reference will also be made to the Chinese scholar, Dangwei Zhou’s Phd thesis on the German Miinister, Richard Wilhelm, who spent many years in Qingdao and who became fluent in Chinese. Wilhelm was the inspirer of Jung’s interest in alchemy when he sent him a Chinese alchemical text in 1928. This had been translated into German by Richard Wilhelm, who spent many years studying and translating Daoist esoteric texts. In the late Han Dynasty, circa 3rd and 4th centuries CE, one branch of alchemy worked on an elixir to prolong life that developed into chemistry; the other branch grew out of Daoist meditation and pursued a ‘higher’ development, namely, the golden light (wisdom) that can lead to the integration of personality. This is what inspired Jung to spend his later years developing psychological alchemy as the true path to self-knowledge i.e., consciousness distilled from the depths of collective unconsciousness.

Suggested reading:

  • Casement, A. (2021) A Critical Appraisal of C.G. Jung’s Psychological Alchemy. In Anthology of Contemporary Theoretical Classics in Analytical Psychology: The New Ancestors. Stefano Carpani (Editor). London: Routledge.
  • Solms, M. (2021) The Hidden Spring: A Journey Into the Source of Consciousness. London: Profile Books.


May 11, 2024 – Jungian Psychology and 21st Century Socio-Cultural Challenges: Living in a Faustian Age – Paul Bishop

In his seminal study of modernity entitled — with an allusion a phrase in the Communist Manifesto — All That Is Solid Melts into Air (1982), the political theorist Marshall Berman (1940-2013) drew on the works and ideas of Marx, Baudelaire, and Goethe, describing the figure of Faust as a powerful symbol of the “experience of modernity.” Jung would probably have agreed with this assessment; after all, in his commentary on The Secret of the Golden Flower he wrote that ‘the Amfortas wound and the Faustian split in the Germanic individual are still not healed’ (CW 13 §70); and in “Paracelsus as a Spiritual Phenomenon” he declared that Paracelsus had been “the prototype of Faust, whom Jacob Burckhardt once called ‘a great primordial image’ in the soul of every German,” adding that “from Faust the line leads direct to Nietzsche, who was a Faustian man if ever there was one” (CW 13 §154).

In this lecture we shall examine Jung’s highly personal relation to Goethe and the different uses he makes of Faust when advancing his own ideas, with a view to gaining insight into how Jung’s thought can contribute to meeting the socio-cultural challenges of the twenty-first century. By reading Jung in the light of his use of Goethe, we are not simply embarking on an academic exercise; rather, we can gain a clearer understanding of Jungian theory, while fresh light is thrown on a canonical work and new interpretative possibilities are opened up. Correspondingly, this lecture will be based on a close reading of select texts and contexts in which Jung makes use of Goethe’s Faust, not simply as an iconic figure in the German cultural tradition, but as an emblem of our own age, too. As Goethe himself once said, “I have often reaped what others have sowed. My work is the work of a collective being that bears the name Goethe” – might the same be said of Jung?

Suggested reading:

  • Marshall Berman, All That Is Solid Melts Into Air: The Experience of Modernity (New York: Penguin, 1988)
  • Paul Bishop (ed.), A Companion to Goethe’s “Faust”, Parts I and II (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2001).
  • Paul Bishop, Analytical Psychology and German Classical Aesthetics: Goethe, Schiller, & Jung, vol. 1, The Development of the Personality, vol. 2, The Constellation of the Self (London and New York: Routledge, 2007-2008).
  • Edward F. Edinger, Goethe’s “Faust”: Notes for a Jungian Commentary (Toronto: Inner City Books, 1990).
  • Irene Gerber-Münch, Goethe’s Faust: Eine tiefenpsychologische Studie über den Mythos des modernen Menschen [Beiträge zur Psychologie von C.G. Jung, Reihe B, Bd. 6] (Küsnacht: Verlag Stiftung für Jung’sche Psychologie, 1997).
  • Goethe, Faust, trans. Walter Kaufmann (New York: Anchor, 1963) [parallel-text edition of German original and English translation of Part One and selected passages from Part Two].
  • Goethe, Faust: A Tragedy, ed. Cyrus Hamlin, trans. Walter Arndt, 2nd edn (New York and London: Norton, 2001 [complete translation of Parts One and Two, with extensive critical apparatus and explanatory notes].
  • Richard Tarnas, The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas that have Shaped Our World View (London: Pimlico, 1996)
  • Stephen Y. Wilkerson, A Most Mysterious Union: The Role of Alchemy in Goethe’s “Faust” (Asheville, NC: Chiron, 2018).


June 1, 2024 – Cultural Complexes are the expressions of sociopolitical dynamics as events that exists in Plain Sight but are not typically seen as psychic processes. – Sam Kimbles, Ph.D.

Cultural Complexes operating at the group level introduces and opens up an approach to Psyche that contextualize the subject/object duality which typically locate the focus on analytical and clinical work within individuals, interpersonal and family dynamics while decontextualizing individual development . However, Cultural unconscious processes which manifest in sociopolitical and religious dynamics as cultural complexes, shape and alters our subjectivities through cultural traumas, attitudes, beliefs, othering dynamics and their intergenerational histories. These sociogenic factors express themselves through our psychic and emotional suffering. We will reflect on these dynamics through the lens of Phantom Narratives (Psyche’s stories) to understand experiences that exist in plain sight but are not easily perceived as present.

Suggested Reading:

  • Kimbles, S. Intergenerational Complexes in Analytical Psychology, The suffering of ghosts, Routledge, 2021
  • Cultural Complexes are the expressions of sociopolitical dynamics as events that exists in Plain Sight but are not typically seen as psychic processes. June 1, 2024



June 29th, 2024 – Jung & The Cultural Complex – Thomas Singer

This course will focus on the cultural complex theory and its application.  The cultural complex theory is an extension of Jung’s original complex theory which had mostly focused on complexes as they appear in individuals.  The extension of the complex theory to cultures has opened up a vital and vast realm for our study of the unconscious psyche as it expresses itself in groups and individuals.  Such processes fuel profound divisions within cultures and between cultures.  The course will give an overview of the development of the theory and several examples from different parts of the world.  Over the past two decades, Tom Singer has authored/edited several books on cultural complexes as they appear around the world.  Individual volumes have been devoted to the study of cultural complexes in Australia, Latin America, Europe, North America and Southeast Asia.  Some 90 Jungian authors have contributed to the series of books as a way to test the validity of the cultural complex hypothesis.

Suggested reading:

  • The Cultural Complex: Contemporary Jungian Perspectives on Psyche and Society. Routledge Press, 2004.
  • Cultural Complexes and the Soul of America, Routledge Press, 2020
  • The Cultural Complex: A Statement of the Theory and Its Application. Psychotherapy and Politics International 4,3 (2006): 197–212.


July 13, 2024 – The Balance Sheet: Positive and Negative Aspects of Jungian Analysis – Andrew Samuels

Jung’s work certainly has its ardent supporters and its fierce critics. That is perhaps as it should be. However, it is proving difficult to bring both attacks and defences together in one perspective. To begin with, such an Olympian detachment is itself unlikely to be neutral. Who will be bold enough to put both sides of the case? And how might the job be done?

Without using the formal SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats), such an approach is useful. Similarly, the metaphor of the ‘balance sheet’ is also an ingenious way to approach the problem. Will the Jungian project (corporation?) be found to be in a sound state? Or is there a possibility of bankruptcy on the horizon? Listeners will be asked to consider their opinion at the outset of the presentation – and then again at its conclusion.

Regarding the presenter, a similar evaluative exercise might well be conducted. Andrew Samuels is a Jungian analyst and has been since 1974. These days, he is also part of the world of relational psychoanalysis. This he considers to be in the post-Jungian tradition. He developed the term ‘post-Jungian’ in his best-selling book Jung and the Post-Jungians in 1985. In the presentation, he will review the place of Jungian analysis amidst the plethora of contemporary approaches to therapy.

Samuels has also been a prominent critic of what he has called the Jungian ‘ghetto’ mentality, meaning the tendency to preach to the converted, and to accept Jung’s psychological declarations as beyond critique. He has also suggested that Jung was both elitist and unnecessarily esoteric.

Perhaps it is in connection with Jung’s ideas about gender and race that Samuels is best known these days. He has approached Jung’s alleged anti-Semitism in a well-researched way, and has done the same in connection with Jung’s views on ‘Africans’. He has something to say about whether or not these were just the notions of ‘a man of his times’.

Yet, throughout all of this, Samuels retains a profound admiration for what Jung had to say. He has written that the problems that arise over Jung are, nowadays, the problems of the Jungian world. Not really Jung’s problems. Hence, part of the balance sheet is to review and evaluate how the post-Jungians are doing.

And, it must be added, Samuels has decided to engage once more in some necessary self-criticism and reflection.

Suggested Reading:

  • Samuels, A. (1985) Jung and the Post-Jungians. London and Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
  • Samuels, A. (1989) The Plural Psyche: Personality, Morality and the Father. London and New York: Routledge. Chapter 6 ‘Beyond the feminine principle’.
  • Samuels, A. (1993) The Political Psyche. London and New York: Routledge. Chapters 12 and 13 Jung. ‘Anti-semitism and the Nazis’, and ‘Nations, leaders and a psychology of difference’.
  • Samuels, A. (2018) ‘Jung and “Africans”: a critical and contemporary review of some of the issues’. Int. J. Jungian Studs. 10:2,  pp. 122-134


CEC (Continuing Education Credit) Learning Objectives:

Module 1: The Jung/Freud Debate and the Foundations of Analytical Psychology – George Hogenson

Analyze two differences between C.G. Jung and Sigmund Freud in their view of the unconscious psyche.
Assess the significance of Jung’s Red Book for understanding Jung’s break with Freud.

Module 2: Introduction to Analytical Psychology – Alan Vaughan

Assess the narrative in the autobiography and/or biography of C.G. Jung, his life and work.

Describe the core concepts and constructs in Analytical psychology: theories of personality, psychoanalysis, and depth psychotherapy.

Explain Jung’s theory on dreams

Module 3: What Analytical Psychology May Contribute to the World Today and Tomorrow – Murray Stein

Describe two of Jung’s theories in Analytical Psychology and explain how they can act as a guide for psychological and spiritual development.

Discuss what analytical psychology stands for in the world today, and list two methods for development that it offers to individuals and communities.

Module 4: Why Jung, The Search for Meaning in the 21st Century – Verena Kast

Explain the individuation process as Jung described it with emphasis on the complex theory.

Describe two techniques of imagination and/or creative work that help dissolve blockages in creative development.

Module 5: Jung & Typology: A Self-Organizing Complexity, Driven by Archetypes to Create Consciousness – John Beebe

List the eight basic “types” of conscious orientation Jung named in his work.

Analyze how the types of consciousness are expressed according to the archetypal roles they are associated with in the individual’s personality

Module 6: The Relevance of Fairytales to the Contemporary Socio-Cultural Challenges of the 21st Century – Renate Daniel

Discuss how fairytales can reveal psychological messages about fundamental human conflicts.

Assess how we can use fairytales and myths to reflect on current issues of power structures, needs for control and security, longing for relationships along with fear of relating.

Module 7: Jung & Spirituality, Beyond Spacetime: 21st Century Science of Consciousness, Ancient Buddhism, and C.G. Jung – Polly Young-Eisendrath

Analyze Jung’s findings on archetype, complex, collective unconscious, and synchronicity/psychoid nature of universe in relation to 21st century conversations about the New Science of Consciousness.

Describe two examples of where Jung’s archetype of Self fits into modern research and accounts of Near-Death Experiences.

Module 8: The I Ching: The Book of Changes and Contemporary Analytical Psychology – Ursula Brasch

Assess how the perspective of the I Ching, or “Book of Changes,” can help to unearth hidden aspects of a complex psychological situation when used as a tool in therapy.

Discuss analytical psychology’s understanding of the concepts of kairos, synchronicity, and complementary opposites, along with Jung’s own contact with ancient Chinese philosophy.

Module 9: Jung & Synchronicity, The Re-Enchantment of the World – Joseph Cambray

Describe the concepts of Individuation and Synchronicity and assess how these ideas emerged through Jung’s inward journey into the unconscious.

Analyze contemporary modifications of Jung’s theories and the “re-enchantment of the world.”

Module 10: Alchemy and the Hard Problem of Consciousness – Ann Casement

Compare and contrast Jung’s work on psychological alchemy and David Chalmers’ “hard problem of consciousness.”

Explain the concept of prima materia and how it relates to the collective unconscious.

Module 11: Jungian Psychology and 21st Century Socio-Cultural Challenges: Living in a Faustian Age – Paul Bishop

Assess Jung’s relation to Goethe and the different uses he makes of Faust when advancing his own ideas.

Explain how reading Jung in the light of his use of Goethe helps us gain a clearer understanding of Jungian theory and how this can contribute to meeting the socio-cultural challenges of the twenty-first century.

Module 12: Cultural Complexes are the expressions of sociopolitical dynamics as events that exists in Plain Sight but are not typically seen as psychic processes. – Sam Kimbles, Ph.D.

Discuss how cultural unconscious processes which manifest in sociopolitical and religious dynamics as cultural complexes, shape and alter our subjectivities through cultural traumas, attitudes, beliefs, othering dynamics and their intergenerational histories.

Describe the lens of Phantom Narratives and how it helps our understanding of experiences that exist in plain sight but are not easily perceived as present.

Module 13: Jung & The Cultural Complex – Thomas Singer

Describe the cultural complex theory and two of its applications.

List at least two examples of the complex theory from different parts of the world.

Module 14: The Balance Sheet: Positive and Negative Aspects of Jungian Analysis – Andrew Samuels

Describe the “balance sheet” metaphor and how it can be used to assess the positive and negative aspects of Jungian Analysis.

Analyze how the “balance sheet” can be used to review and evaluate the problems of the Jungian world and how the post-Jungians are doing.

Program Details


September 9th, 2023 – July 13th, 2024

Saturdays 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM PT/11:00 AM – 12:30 PM ET/4:00 – 5:30 PM UTC *Note Murray Stein’s Session will run from 7:00 – 8:30 AM PT/10:00 – 11:30 AM ET
Online course with recorded sessions

International participation is encouraged and welcomed

Registration Fees

  • $500.00 – Pacifica Student Rate
  • $600.00 – Pacifica Alumni, Full Time Students, & Senior Rate
  • $800.00 – General Rate
  • $30 – Continuing Education Credits (14 CECHours)

Participants requesting Continuing Education Credits (CECs) for Online programs must attend all live sessions (offered via Zoom) in order to receive CECs. Please make sure that your Zoom account name matches the name of the attendee requesting CECs.

All of the live Zoom sessions will be recorded and made available to everyone registered for the program. If you watch the recordings and keep up with the online discussion forum you will qualify for the certificate of completion. Live attendance to the Zoom sessions is not necessary unless you are looking to obtain Continuing Education Credits.

About the Teachers

George Hogenson, Ph.D. is a senior training analyst at the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago.  He holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from Yale University and an M.A. in clinical social work from the University of Chicago.  He is the past Vice President of the International Association for Analytical Psychology and a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Analytical Psychology.  He is the author of Jung’s Struggle with Freud and, with Thomas Kirsch, editor of The Red Book: Reflections on C.G. Jung’s Liber Novus.  His numerous papers on archetypal theory, the nature of symbolism, and synchronicity have contributed to reshaping thinking on these subjects within analytical psychology.  He lives in Oak Park, Illinois, and maintains a private practice in Chicago.


Alan G. Vaughan, Ph.D., JD, is an analyst member of the C.G Jung Institute of San Francisco, where he serves on the editorial board of the Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche, and the Committee on Diversity and Inclusion. He is in private practice as a psychoanalyst and as a clinical & consulting psychologist. He is a core faculty member in the Saybrook University doctoral clinical psychology program and directs the Jungian Studies specialization. His scholarship interests are at the intersections of: Analytical psychology, U.S. Constitutional Jurisprudence and African Diaspora Studies. His recent publications, “Every voice, every vote counts: challenges to Multicultural Democracy”, In Cultural Complexes and the Soul of America, Myths, Psyche and Politics (Routledge, 2020); Alan G. Vaughan (2022), On Jung, Archetypes, Aesthetics, and Culture in the Art from the African Diaspora, Jung Journal, 16:3, 38-70, DOI: 10.1080/19342039.2022.2088992; link https://doi.org/10.1080/19342039.2022.2088992. Forthcoming book, C.G. Jung and the African Diaspora, is to be published by Routledge.


Murray Stein, Ph.D. is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich (ISAP-ZURICH). He has been president of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) and President of ISAP-ZURICH and lectures internationally. He is the author of Jung’s Map of the Soul, Outside Inside and All Around, The Mystery of Transformation and many other books and articles. Six volumes of his Collected Writings have been published to date. He lives in Switzerland and has a private practice in Zurich and from his home in Goldiwil.


Prof. Dr. phil. Verena Kast, psychologist and psychotherapist, was professor of anthropological psychology at the University of Zurich. She is a teaching analyst and supervisor at the C.G. Jung-Institut Zurich and was President of the Curatorium of the Institute. She was co-director of the Lindauer Psychotherapiewochen, the largest German-speaking continuing education event in psychotherapy. Numerous publications in the field of fairy tales, symbolism in general, relationship, mourning processes, emotions also in connection with complex theory and imagination.


John Beebe, a former president of the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, is a psychiatrist who specializes in psychotherapy. He is author of Energies and Patterns in Psychological Type: The Reservoir of Consciousness and co-editor of The Question of Psychological Types: The Correspondence of C. G. Jung and Hans Schmid-Guisan. John has received the President’s Award for Exceptional Service from the Association for Psychological Type International. In 2021, he edited a special issue of The Journal of Analytical Psychology in honor of the 100th anniversary of the publication of Jung’s Psychological Types. Beebe has spearheaded a Jungian typological approach to the analysis of film. His eight-function, eight-archetype model of type is widely studied and applied.


Renate Daniel, MD, studied medicine at the University of Heidelberg and specialized in the fields of psychiatry and psychotherapy. She is a Jungian analyst, training analyst/supervisor and Director of Programs at the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich. She also works as a specialist at the C.G. Jung Outpatient’s Clinic in Zurich, and is a member of the Scientific Management Board of the International Society of Depth Psychology (IGT) and a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Lindau Psychotherapy Weeks (LPTW), held in Germany.


Polly Young-Eisendrath, Ph.D., is a psychologist, writer, speaker and Jungian analyst who has published 18 books (translated into 20 languages) including Love Between Equals: Relationship as a Spiritual Path, The Self-Esteem Trap: Raising Confident and Compassionate Kids in an Age of Self-Importance, The Cambridge Companion to Jung and The Present Heart: A Memoir of Love, Loss and Discovery. She maintains a clinical practice in Central Vermont and hosts the podcast Enemies: From War to Wisdom that provides a fresh look at human hostilities and what to do about them. She is a lifelong Buddhist practi­tioner and a mindfulness teacher.


Joseph Cambray, Ph.D. is the Past-President/CEO and Provost for Pacifica Graduate Institute; Past-President of the International Association for Analytical Psychology; served as the U.S. Editor for The Journal of Analytical Psychology and is on various editorial boards He was a faculty member at Harvard Medical School in the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital, Center for Psychoanalytic Studies. Dr. Cambray is a Jungian analyst now living in the Santa Barbara area of California. His numerous publications include the book based on his Fay Lectures: Synchronicity: Nature and Psyche in an Interconnected Universe and several edited volumes: one with Leslie Sawin Research in Analytical Psychology – Volume 1: Applications from Scientific, Historical, and (Cross)-Cultural Research, and an earlier one with Linda Carter, Analytical Psychology: Contemporary Perspectives in Jungian Psychology. He has published numerous papers in a range of international journals.


Ursula Brasch MA, is a German Psychoanalyst in private Practice in Schopfheim (Germany). She is a Training Analyst and Supervisor at C.G. Jung Institutes Zürich and Stuttgart, Member of the Board of the C.G. Jung Institute Zürich. She studied Sinology, History, and Politics in Freiburg and Tübingen and Taiwan. Many years of teaching and lecturing in the basics of Analytical Psychology, Clinical Psychology and the “I Ching – Book of Changes”.


Ann Casement LP, is a Professor at the Oriental Academy for Analytical Psychology; senior member of the British Jungian Analytic Association; associate member of the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association (New York); New York State Licensed Psychoanalyst; member of the British Psychoanalytic Council; member of the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis (New York); member of the British Psychological Society; founder member of the International Neuropsychoanalysis Society; and Patron of the Freud Museum in London. She worked for several years in psychiatry from the late 1970s; chaired the UK Council for Psychotherapy (1997-2001); served on the Executive Committee of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (2001-2007), and the IAAP Ethics Committee (2007-2016) becoming its Chair in 2010. For two years from 1999 she conducted research working with Lord Alderdice and other stakeholders in the profession on a Private Member’s Bill in the House of Lords on the statutory regulation of the psychotherapy/psychoanalytic profession. She has been teaching and lecturing in China starting in 2015 at the initial invitation of Professor Heyong Shen.

She has lectured, taught and supervised in various countries around the world, including the UK, China, Japan, Russia, USA, Canada, Israel, Lithuania, Switzerland, South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, and in many countries in Europe. She contributes to The Economist, and to psychoanalytic journals worldwide, being on the editorial board of some. She served on the Gradiva Awards Committee (New York) in 2013; gave the Fay Lecture in Texas in 2019; is a Fellow of The Royal Anthropological Institute; a Fellow of The Royal Society of Medicine; and was a member of the Council of the Metropolitan Opera in New York. She has produced many articles, reviews and several chapters for books. She has published the following eight books:

Post-Jungians Today (Routledge 1998).

Carl Gustav Jung (Sage 2001).

Who Owns Psychoanalysis? (Karnac 2004) nominated for the 2005 Gradiva Award.

The Idea of the Numinous (Routledge 2006) with David Tacey.

Who Owns Jung? (Karnac 2007).

Thresholds and Pathways Between Jung and Lacan, Routledge (2021) with Dany Nobus

and Phil Goss.

Jung: An Introduction (Phoenix Publishing House 2021).

Integrating Shadow: Authentic Being in the World (Texas A&M 2023).


Thomas Singer, M.D., is a psychiatrist and Jungian psychoanalyst who trained at Yale Medical School, Dartmouth Medical School, and the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. He is the author of many books and articles that include a series of books on cultural complexes that have focused on Australia, Latin America, Europe, the United States, and Far East Asian countries, in addition to another series of books featuring Ancient Greece, Modern Psyche. He serves on the board of ARAS (Archive for Research into Archetypal Symbolism) and has edited ARAS Connections for many years.


Paul Bishop was born in 1967 in Southend-on-Sea. He studied at Magdalen College, Oxford, and he is currently William Jacks Chair of Modern Languages at the University of Glasgow. His books examine the history of ideas and the histories of psychoanalysis and analytical psychology, with particular emphasis on Nietzsche, C.G. Jung, and Ludwig Klages. He has edited Companion volumes for Camden House on Goethe’s Faust, Parts One and Two; and on the life and works of Nietzsche. Recently elected a Fellow of the Institute of Linguists, he also works as a translator. He enjoys walking, classical music, and reading, and is fascinated by the history and architecture of Glasgow. Under the username @paulbishop4U, he tweets about his interests in culture, politics, and economics.


Samuel L. Kimbles, Ph.D.


Andrew Samuels is a relational Jungian psychoanalyst, professor, author, political consultant and activist. He was the founder of Psychotherapists and Counsellors for Social Responsibility in the UK, and was the elected chair of the UK Council for Psychotherapy. Previously, Honorary Secretary of the International Association for Analytical Psychology. His books have been translated into 21 languages and include Jung and the Post-Jungians (1985), The Plural Psyche (1989), The Political Psyche (1993), Politics on the Couch (2001), Persons Passions, Psychotherapy Politics (2017), and A New Therapy for Politics? (2018).

General Information


Hosted Online


Cancellations 14 days or more prior to the program start date receive a 100% refund of program registrations. After 14 days, up to 7 days prior to the program start date, a 50% refund is available. For cancellations made less than 7 days of program start date, no refund is available.

For additional information, including travel, cancellation policy, and disability services please visit our general information section.

Continuing Education Credit

This program meets qualifications for 14 hours of continuing education credit for Psychologists through the California Psychological Association (PAC014) Pacifica Graduate Institute is approved by the California Psychological Association to provide continuing education for psychologists.  Pacifica Graduate Institute maintains responsibility for this program and its content.  Full attendance is required to receive a certificate.

This course meets the qualifications for 14 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.  Pacifica Graduate Institute is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (#60721) to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs.  Pacifica Graduate Institute maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.  Full attendance is required to obtain a certificate.

For Registered Nurses through the California Board of Registered Nurses this conference meets qualifications of 14 hours of continuing education credit are available for RNs through the California Board of Registered Nurses (provider #CEP 7177).  Full attendance is required to obtain a certificate.

Pacifica Graduate Institute is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs.  Pacifica Graduate Institute maintains responsibility for each program and its content.  Full day attendance is required to receive a certificate.

Continuing Education Goal.  Pacifica Graduate Institute is committed to offering continuing education courses to train LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and LEPs to treat any client in an ethically and clinically sound manner based upon current accepted standards of practice.  Course completion certificates will be awarded at the conclusion of the training and upon participant’s submission of his or her completed evaluation.

CECs and Online Program Attendance: Participants requesting Continuing Education Credits (CECs) for Online programs must attend all live sessions (offered via Zoom) in order to receive CECs. Please make sure that your Zoom account name matches the name of the attendee requesting CECs.

For additional information, including travel, cancellation policy, and disability services please visit our general information section.

Registration Details

September 9th, 2023 – July 13th, 2024

Number of Classes: 14
Class Length: 1.5 Hours
Class Times: 8:00 – 9:30 AM PT
CECs: 14


Participants requesting Continuing Education Credits (CECs) for Online programs must attend all live sessions (offered via Zoom) in order to receive CECs. Please make sure that your Zoom account name matches the name of the attendee requesting CECs.

All of the live Zoom sessions will be recorded and made available to everyone registered for the program. If you watch the recordings and keep up with the online discussion forum you will qualify for the certificate of completion. Live attendance to the Zoom sessions is not necessary unless you are looking to obtain Continuing Education Credits.