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Dream Tending for Our Times: Resilience, Emergence, & Empowerment

July 9th & 10th, 2022

Dream Tending | Hosted Online by Dream Tending via Zoom

Program Description

Dream Tending for Our Times: Resilience, Emergence, & Empowerment

The Summer Dream Tending Conference will be an exploration of past, present, and future visionaries in the field of depth psychology, dreamwork, and imagination.

The weekend’s journey begins with rare video footage from some of Depth Psychology’s most prolific founders such as Joseph Campbell, Marion Woodman, and James Hillman. Keynote speakers include distinguished visionary, Dr. Jean Houston who will share some of her new work titled, The Possible Human Emerges; Dr. Stephen Aizenstat will follow, presenting on Dream Tending and Imagination for Our Times. Additionally, Dr. Aizenstat will demonstrate the Dream Tending method live by working with two dreamers attending the Summer Conference to help illustrate the methods of this work.

The weekend will conclude with a glimpse into the future with distinguished Mentor’s of the Academy of Imaginal Arts and Sciences leading numerous breakout sessions. You will get to participate in smaller groups presenting and exploring cutting-edge topics in somatic psychology, depth psychology, dream work and invoking deep imagination.

This program is ideal if you want to:

  • Establish a connection with your dream life and deep imagination
  • Enhance your capacities for responding to what is happening in your life, and the world around you, from a place of inner calm, clarity, and compassion
  • Journey into deep creativity, imagination, and innovation through dreamwork
  • Learn how dreamwork can support and improve physical and psychological health
  • Gain greater clarity, vision, direction, and understanding of what your unconscious is asking of you

In today’s world we are faced with many challenges, and within, the seeds of new opportunity. Resilience, emergence, and empowerment are not just buzz words. They are what is being asked of us now. Come together with like-minded others and together, in community, let’s dream anew the emergent possible.

The Possible Human Emerges

Jean Houston, Ph.D.

This presentation will build on my research and lifetime of work in the field of enhancing human capacities. You will learn how to gain access to hidden images, ideas, and sensory-based memories that increase your potential. You will be introduced to a comprehensive theory for conscious creativity, In addition you will be guided through an experiential learning sequence designed to actualize your creative potential.

Through story and humor, you will learn to draw on your inner resources and employ strategies that have been used successfully by writers and artists, teachers and therapists, actors and athletes, scientists and business executives. Yes. This presentation is a capstone, infused with fresh and contemporary resonance, of what I have been offering to people worldwide for over fifty years.

Dream Tending for the World: The Story-Web of Deep Imagination

Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D.

There are many kinds of homecoming. Coming home to your relationships with elders, ancestors, and beloveds opens portals to the Story-Web of Deep Imagination. Psyche’s authentic desire for story fuses your life with purpose and the emergent possible.

In this presentation, I will offer tools and methods for deepening your relationship with dreams and the Story-Web of Deep Imagination. Through dreamwork and active imagination, you will discover what storylines shape your genuine and generative calling. In the world of today, aligning with your authentic stories is central to living a life of purpose.


Mentor Presentations

Healing Landscapes: Dream Settings and the Numinous Image | Randal Lea
In this breakout session, we will focus our attention not just to the healing images of dreams, but also to the pulsating, breathing presence of the dreamscape as Healing Container. Examples from DreamTending clients will trace the interactions between dreamer, affliction, complex, and medicine.

Creativity in Crisis | Myka Hanson
This session will explore how we can keep our creative well filled in times of world crisis. After a meditation offering peace to those in crisis, we will work with specific techniques around writing, music, and movement to bring forward abundant creativity and imagination.

Personal Creativity as a Spiritual Practice and Path | Kathie McCutcheon
Creativity and spirituality are closely connected. When we engage with our own personal art-making or other creative acts just for ourselves, we feel a deep connection to our own inner self and that which is greater. This session is designed for any spiritual care provider or spiritual being who feels that creativity is their spiritual path.

Embodied Imagination and Dream Tending | Louise Rosager
This class will use Dr. Stephen Aizenstat’s Dream Tending techniques combined with breath, gentle movement and Embodied Imagination to show how to animate your dream figures creatively, and how working with dreams can be a portal to creating your most resonant and authentic artistic work.

Dancing the Dream Forward: Embodied Dream Tending | Monica Tweet
Experience the dream’s desire, sharing in the wisdom, creativity, generativity, and healing offered by numinous dream-time images. We engage the body and soul of dreamer and dream image by integrating Dream Tending methods and skills with Somatic Experiencing.

Dream as Portalway to Creative Awakening | Marna Hauk
In this interactive session, we play with waking or sleeping dream images that unfurl into doorways of creativity. We work with broad somatic sketching and distilling imaginal phrasings (similar to Progoff’s crystal mantras process) to attend and activate these portals to the worlds of the imagination.


Program Details


July 9 & 10th, 2022
9:00am – 2:00pm PDT

Conference Rates:

  • $265.00 Pacifica Student Rate
  • $280.00  Pacifica Alumni, Full Time Students, & Senior Rate
  • $300.00 General Rate

General Information


Hosted Online


To learn more about the Dream Tending programs, please contact Samantha or Jillian at or 805-770-0195 and schedule a phone call or Zoom video meeting to discuss questions.

Registration Details

July 9th & 10th, 2022

This is a previous event listing

Payment options:
Credit Card, PayPal, Check or Phone.