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Hagitude: a Woman’s Journey from Menopause Through Elderhood

Thursdays, July 20 - August 24, 2023

6 Week Live Course | Offered Live via Zoom

Program Description

What you will receive

  • 6 Live Webinar Sessions with Q & A
  • 6 Links to the Recordings
  • 25 minute audio file of an active imagination journey which can be used throughout the course
  • Creative prompts and reflective questions

Course Description

Menopause is a time between stories, when the old story fades and a new story is waiting to emerge. It’s a liminal time, when we hover on the brink of the profound transformation which ultimately leads to elderhood, and contemplate the work of gaining new perspectives on our life, of challenging and evolving our belief systems, of exploring our calling, of uncovering meaning, and ultimately finding healing for a lifetime’s accumulation of wounds.


Nevertheless, the second half of women’s lives is often portrayed as a time of decline. How can we challenge this narrative, map the new territory, prepare ourselves for yet another searing transformation, and move into the second half of life with a sense of vitality, creativity and vision?

Grounded in myth, narrative techniques and archetypal psychology, this course will focus on the following questions:

  • How can we navigate the stormy waters of menopause and find continued growth, meaning and authenticity in the second half of life?
  • How might we work with the stories of the little-known but powerful elder women in myth and folklore – both to inspire us to create new stories of our own, and to reimagine our journey to and through elderhood?
  • How can we each uncover, and embrace, our own unique, archetypal Inner Hag?
  • How, by working with and understanding our own stories, and our own mythopoetic journey through life, can we fully and finally embody the unique gift which each of us brings to this world, at this time?

This course is ideal if

  • You’re standing on the threshold of menopause and looking for inspiration for navigating this intense and transformative alchemical journey.
  • You’re already on the road to elderhood, and would like to explore your continuing journey more deeply.
  • You’re a younger woman who’d like to map and plan for the journey ahead of you.
  • You’re a therapist or clinician helping others to find direction in the second half of life.
  • You’re interested in exploring neglected aspects of the archetypal feminine.

Course Overview

Week One: July 20

Connecting with our calling

The nature of our work during the second half of life is to grow into the person we always were meant to become: our most authentic self. This requires insight into the unique gift which each of us brings to the world in these troubled times. In this class, we’ll discuss the nature of calling, and explore the ways in which we can find clues about our own calling through working with image and story.

Week Two: July 27

Elderhood as a post-Heroic Journey

If the Hero’s Journey is more suited to the outward-focused first half of life, what does the journey through the second half of life look like? This week, we’ll explore the notion of elderhood as a Post-Heroic Journey – a search for meaning, for the numinous, and for wholeness.

Week 3: August 3

Archetypes of menopause: the Medial Woman

The Medial Woman, first outlined by Toni Wolff, is an archetype we all encounter in one way or another as we approach menopause. From the Alchemist to the Witch, this class explores several iterations of the Medial Woman in European myth and folklore.

Week 4: August 10

Archetypes of elderhood: the Inner Hag

The Inner Hag whose image we each carry within us reflects our own unique variety of wisdom. In this class we’ll uncover the little-known elder women of European myth and folklore: Tricksters and Truth-tellers, Mentors, Creatrixes, Dangerous Old Women, and many more.

Week 5: August 17

Journeying through the Country of Death

Our journey through the second half of life inevitably ends with a journey through the Country of Death. In this class, we’ll explore archetypes of Death and harbingers of Death in the European tradition.

Week 6: August 24

Re-storying elderhood

In this final class, we’ll work with narrative techniques which will help us to identify and, where needed, to transform the personal myths and stories we carry into elderhood.

By the End of This Course You Will Be Able To

  • Embrace the second half of life as a new and profoundly transformative, alchemical journey
  • Explore the concept of the Post-Heroic journey
  • Understand the various faces of archetypal elder women in European myth and folklore
  • Work with resources for connecting to the archetypal elder within

Program Details


July 20 – August 24, 20233
9:00 AM to 10.30 AM PDT


  • $275 General Rate
  • $225 Pacifica Alumni, Full Time Students, & Senior Rate
  • $175 Pacifica Student Rate

Book now and get 20% off listed prices. Offer valid until Jun 8, 2023.

Program link will be sent out prior to the event. For those unable to attend live, the presentation will be recorded and the link shared after the event.



About the Teacher

Dr. Sharon Blackie is an award-winning writer, psychologist and mythologist. Her highly acclaimed books, courses, lectures and workshops are focused on the development of the mythic imagination, and on the relevance of myth, fairy tales and folk traditions to the personal, cultural and environmental problems we face today.

As well as writing five books of fiction and nonfiction, including the bestselling If Women Rose Rooted and Hagitude: Reimagining the Second Half of Life, her writing has appeared in anthologies, collections and in several international media outlets. Her books have been translated into several languages, and she has been interviewed by the BBC, US public radio and other broadcasters on her areas of expertise. Her awards include the Roger Deakin Award, and a Creative Scotland Writer’s Award. Her next book, Wise Women: Myths and folklore in celebration of older women will be published by Virago in 2024.

Sharon is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and has taught and lectured at several academic institutions, Jungian organisations, retreat centres and cultural festivals around the world.

General Information


Hosted Online


Cancellations 14 days or more prior to the program start date receive a 100% refund of program registrations. After 14 days, up to 7 days prior to the program start date, a 50% refund is available. For cancellations made less than 7 days of program start date, no refund is available.

For additional information, including travel, cancellation policy, and disability services please visit our general information section.

Registration Details

Thursdays, July 20 - August 24, 2023

  • Number of Classes: 6 Classes
  • Class Length: 90 min.
  • Class Time: 9:00 – 10:30 AM PDT
  • Total Duration: 9 Hours